50 State Quarters Database

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The Designs
Picture Gallery
Click here to see pictures of each quarter that link to detailed individual reports about the quarters.

Or use the text-based list of quarters to find a data report.

DC and US Territories Quarters Program
District of Columbia and U.S. Territories Quarters Program

The Legislation

Public Law 105-124
(50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act)

Public Law 105-176

Public Law 110-161

Mint's Design Selection Procedures

More Info.

State Closeups


Look through the photo album of our modern quarter's ancestors!

Bust Quarters
Seated Liberty Quarters
Barber Quarters
Standing Liberty Quarters
'Eagle' Quarters
Bicentennial Quarters
State Quarters

Welcome to the 50 State Quarters Database! Check out the links to find an abundance of information and pictures relating the United States quarter dollar coin and the 50 State Quarters Program. Enjoy!

Bibliography & Credits

Feature Writing

Head north and see the 1992 Canadian Confederation quarter series, the inspiration for the 50 State Quarters.

The idea of giving each region its own coin design is also seen in the Euro coins, the new coinage of Europe.

The Story of the American Revolution in Quarters